Originally written January of 2007.
Edited August of 2009.
This one reads more like a story. Faith has been a huge issue for me lately, with events in my life leading me farther and farther along the path of Agnosticism. At this point, I’d classify myself as a Strong Agnostic.
When I was young, I was innocent,
And everything seemed so clear.
My faith dicated by my parents,
And I lent an all too willing ear.
I went to all religious gatherings,
I prayed fervently with all my heart.
When the time came to do many things,
I ever so gladly played my part.
As I grew older I saw a great deal
That shook the foundations of my faith.
I saw a world crying out to be healed;
A world that had been right before my face.
I saw so many horrors and such pain
That I could not begin to understand,
And yet so many people refrained
From actively helping their fellow man.
I saw religion asking for money
To build their gluttonous rot,
Instead of helping the needy,
And providing for those who could not.
For one with such wide eyes,
For years I kept them closed,
Staying blind to the myriad lies
And the ways that they were posed.
I see nothing here but Hypocrisy,
Apathy, Greed, Arrogance, and Lies.
I pray to God, quite pointlessly,
For help before this world dies.
My lack of faith has naught but grown,
And nothing since has been the same.
And I know I can never condone
The atrocities done in God’s name.