Comeback Kid is back. It’s about damn time.
Seriously. Oh, you want an actual review? Don’t believe me when I say this album builds on everything they had going from “Broadcasting…” with new singer Andrew Neufeld? Let me then convince you.
The album opens with “Do Yourself A Favor” in typical Comeback Kid fashion. Nice intro riff followed by power. “Crooked Floors” mixes Neufeld’s yells, which are absolutely amazing this album, with the background shouts ala Wake The Dead into one of the most memorable songs on the tracklist. “G.M. Vincent & I” continue the mix, with the vocals taking center stage during verses and everything coming together perfectly during the chorus. “Because Of All The Things You Say” tries to echo the feelings of such past songs like “Die Tonight,” but the lyrics aren’t there to match the intent. “The Concept Says” has the same intentions, but doesn’t put the focus on the lyrics and instead the entire band, making it work. “Balance” seemingly takes everything from the previous album and staples it into one package that flat out delivers.
Next we have the title track, which evolves throughout the song and takes you on a journey from the song’s beginning to end. More importantly, it sets the tone for the second half of the album. “Manifest” is a diverse song that is able to seamlessly switch tempo, “Get Alone” has a nice anthem feel to it, which hurts the following “Magnet Pull,” as the two have a similar sound. The album closes with “Pull Back The Reins,” a traditional album closing song for Comeback Kid. Not everyone will like the guitar sound on the track, but it’s a nice possible taste of the future of the band.
The most telling aspect of whether or not an album is good for me is how quickly songs make it into my normal playlist; half of these songs have already made it. Comeback Kid continues to evolve while finding a way to stay true to their roots in a way few bands can. “Symptoms and Cures” seems to get better and better every time I listen to it. For the money, the best album I’ve heard this year.