Halo + Inception = WIN

Halo + Inception = WIN

After participating in the multi-player beta for Halo: Reach, I wanted nothing with the game. Now, thanks to the song “Mind Heist” from the Inception trailers, and the awesomeness of Transcendence Films, I want to play Reach right this second.

Using the track from Inception and mixing all of the available Halo: Reach trailers together into 2:20 of epic win titled ‘Winter Contingency’, I’m left wondering why Bungie didn’t come out with something like this.

The kicker? Transcendence Films, per their Facebook Fan Page, are just a group of friends based in New York that get together and pass the time creating little beauties like this:


For more on Transcendence Films, check out their YouTube channel and thumb through past uploads.

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