New Fable III Trailer: It’s a Revolution, Baby!

New Fable III Trailer: It’s a Revolution, Baby!

In less than two weeks, Fable III will be hitting store shelves. To help drive up hype, and to probably show off their amazing animation skills, the team at Lionhead Studios released a new trailer today that will be the official TV ad for the game.

While no actual gameplay is featured, we are instead given an incredibly stunning 1:06 of action.

In just a short amount of time, we can really get a sense for the discord in Albion, and just how hated the King is. By banding together with other rebels throughout the land, a revolution is started, and a battle ensues.


And, in case you’re wondering, that awesome song they used in the trailer is called Young Men Dead by some band I’ve never even heard of before: Black Angels.

I seriously can’t wait for this game.

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