uDraw to Hit Store Shelves on November 14th

uDraw to Hit Store Shelves on November 14th

A couple of months ago, Brennan first wrote about the upcoming game/accessory for the Nintendo Wii, uDraw, by THQ. If you remember, back in the SNES days, Nintendo had an amazing game known as Mario Paint. Think of the uDraw as Mario Paint for 2010.

As a proud Wii owner, a lover of Mario Paint, and a parent, the uDraw is something I have to have in my home. It’s not even an option. Not only will the tablet come with a game, uDraw Studio, but you’ll be able to purchase additional games for it like Pictionary (one of my all-time favorites) and another one called Dood’s Big Adventure.

With the uDraw having a suggested retail price of $69.99, and the additional games only retailing for $29.99, I suggest those who are interested in getting this at launch, or for a Christmas present, reserve it now because it will be one of the hottest things out there.

Not excited enough? Follow the Official uDraw Twitter, check out their YouTube Channel, or “Like” them on Facebook. If that’s not enough, then watch this amazing video where famed artist David Kassan uses the uDraw and uDraw Studio:


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