Drawn: The Painted Tower is Coming to iPad

Drawn: The Painted Tower is Coming to iPad

I love the Drawn series, I really do. Big Fish Games, the company behind the games, has done an absolutely amazing job with the two PC titles, and now they hope to make a splash on the iPad.

Unless you’ve had a chance to play Drawn, you have no idea just how gorgeous it is. Sure all of the screenshots are breathtaking, but until you get to see it live and up close, nothing does it justice. It’s dark, broody, rich, enticing, and truly an artistic achievement. When reviewing the sequel, Dark Flight, I even went so far as to say it was a “visual feast“. That is seriously how gorgeous it is.

OK… enough of my gushing and on to the details because that is why you’re reading this after all. On December 9th, three short days away, Drawn: The Painted Tower can be yours for only $9.99. Yes, it costs more than a majority of the iPad apps out there, but let me tell you this: many of them won’t even be able to compete with how stunning Drawn is. Fans of the series who are curious about the iPad version will love some of the new features.

Per the official press release:

  • Smart hints – Multiple hints for each step of the game ensure that adventure game enthusiasts of all skill levels can successfully complete the quest. Hints range from a nudge in the right direction to specific steps on exactly what needs to be done.
  • Gestural navigation system – Swipe two fingers down to go back; swipe two fingers up to move forward; swipe two fingers to the right or left to move in that direction. Single-finger taps select objects from inventory and drop them on the scenes, while single-finger swipes can be used to interact with puzzles.
  • Multiple languages – English, Spanish, French, German and Japanese.
  • Family-friendly game can be played together as a family activity.
  • Game Center Integration – Game Center support including thirty achievements with custom Game Center UI.

So, it all sounds pretty cool, yes? YES! Sadly I don’t own an iPad, but when that happens, Drawn: The Painted Tower will be one of the first to be installed.

For more information on Drawn, check out their official website, and be sure to follow Big Fish Games on Twitter for more gaming news!


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