Street Fighter vs. WWE

Street Fighter vs. WWE

No, this isn’t an announcement of a new cross-promotional SFvsWWE game. Sorry to disappoint the millions of you out there who had their hearts set on this combination, but it just isn’t in the cards. This is an announcement of fan appreciation at its finest. Witness the backstage rivalries, fancy entrances, and stunning finishing moves of your favorite Street Fighter characters while they battle it out for the top spot in the WWE roster.

Do you have a copy of WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 and a burning desire to do what this brilliant fan has done? Well, these custom created characters are available to download for the Xbox 360. From the YouTube page:

To download these, go to community creations (xbox 360 only) and enter the proper keyword to find them. There are 3 keywords allowed for each CAW. All of these CAWs will have the following two keywords: 1. “Street Fighter” & 2. “jim784m” The third keyword is the name of the character. Certain characters like Akuma & Cody will have different names due to SVR11’s unnecessary online censorship.

Akuma’s name will be A|(insert less than symbol here)uma & the keyword is xakumax
Cody’s name will be C@dy & the keyword is xcodyx

These CAWs aren’t editable.

Each Street Fighter CAW has 4 attires (some are color changes and others are brand new attires.) There’s a glitch that won’t let you keep an alternate hair/hair color online. This affects some of Blanka, Dee Jay, Vega, Guile, Rufus, T. Hawk & Akuma’s alternate attires only when used online.

I need to pick up a copy of this game ASAP.

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