Marooners’ Talk: Episode 005 – “Mmm, beefy!”

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 005 – “Mmm, beefy!”

A milestone has been hit! The fifth episode of the groundbreaking podcast Marooners’ Talk, titled “Mmm, beefy!”, is complete and available for your listening consumption below and, either sometime today or tomorrow, on iTunes! Of course, if you’ve already subscribed on iTunes, you don’t have to worry about continually checking!

Episode 005 of Marooners’ Talk is the first episode that features Chris and Lindsey on their own, for the first time since their short-lived and ill-fated web series, the MehCast (which very few of you will remember, anyway). In it, we ramble about Bejeweled Blitz, Orcs Must Die, The Elder Scrolls (Oblivion and Skyrim), and 360Junkies closures, the Dragon Age II demo, Bulletstorm multiplayer, Conduit 2 multiplayer, Charlie Sheen’s desire for another Major League movie, Kevin Costner’s potential casting as Jonathan Kent in Snyder’s Superman, Natalie Portman’s “uglification” according to the Huffington Post, Blockbuster’s sale, Borders’ store closures, and amazing Kirk and Spock bathrobes from ThinkGeek.

Interested? YOU SHOULD BE! Listen now!

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