UPDATE: Due to an unforeseen technical difficulty, the deadline for the Marvel vs. Capcom 3/Marvel Digital Comics contest is pushed back until 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday, March 9th giving you all time to get your submissions in. Also, we realize that the phrase might be a little more obscure than originally intended so here is a hint: read the Wikipedia page for X-Men’s Wolverine to help you out.
The armadillo’s shell is vociferous. The marmoset juggles the coconuts. The hippopotamus pirouettes gracefully. The strange man enjoys creating strange code phrases. Episode 006 of Marooners’ Talk, titled “The Badger Flies at Midnight…”, is now online for your listening pleasure. We do something different this week and include a key-phrase related to Wolverine, the Marvel Comics character. What do you do with this key-phrase? You email us at contests@maroonersrock.com with a subject of “MvC 3” and the key-phrase in the body before 11:59pm PST, Monday, March 7th. Why should you bother? Well, one lucky random winner will receive a (slightly-opened and used) copy of the normal Xbox 360 version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and one lucky random winner will win a redemption code for one free month of full access to Marvel’s online digital comic database. Sweet!
That being said, we talked about quite a few awesome things this week. We started off with some details about our upcoming Achievement April project, Diane Lane’s casting as Martha Kent in Snyder’s Superman, photos of Hugo Weaving as the fully-masked Red Skull, the Devil May Cry movie news, my fist and its desire to meet with Mark Ruffalo’s face, the iPad 2, Beyond Good & Evil HD, Torchlight, Ninja Gaiden 3, Catherine’s trip to the US, the 3DS announcements at GDC (from the listener question submitted by ind1fference), and Fathead’s XBLA avatar offerings.
Our next community game night will be Friday, March 11th at 7:00pm PST (GMT -8). The game of choice is You Don’t Know Jack on Xbox 360.
Don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes, and soon in Zune as well!