Paramore Tracks Come to Rock Band

Paramore Tracks Come to Rock Band

I’m a huge fan of the band Paramore, but it has been a while since I listed to them or played a track via Rock Band. Recently, Harmonix announced a new track pack known as “Paramore Pack 01.” Does this mean more later on? For the track list of this DLC, take a look below:

  • Paramore – “Ignorance”
  • Paramore  – “Brick by Boring Brick”
  • Paramore  – “The Only Exception” X

You can buy all these tracks for the low price of $5.49! For the tracks marked with an X those will feature pro-modes and will cost an extra $0.99. For more information on the Rock Band series or latest DLC, please visit the Rock Band site.


Avid collector of Funko Pop! items, Pokemon and video games. Raises money for Extra Life since 2012. When I'm not collecting great things or helping kids and others via charity. I'm writing news, previews, reviews, and running giveaways. You can reach me at andrew at maroonersrock dot com as well.

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