Take Flight with Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII

Take Flight with Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII

At last year’s E3, Mad Catz made passing mention of a game in development titled “War Wings: Hell Catz.” Well, as time has passed, so have passed the days of our lives. Er…I mean, as time has passed, one of life’s inevitabilities, change, has taken hold of the game. No longer “War Wings: Hell Catz,” this title will be moving towards release as “Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII.” Originally intended to be a “historically accurate…recreation of World War II aerial maneuvers…,” the developers had an epiphany: gamers like shiny, explodey things. To that end, Damage Inc. is aiming to provide a historically accurate planes, campaigns, and story with arcade style gameplay keeping it all…you know…fun.


Damage Inc. will attempt to deliver over 12 hours of campaign arcade gameplay, along with multi-player and co-op, in over 30 aircraft.

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Damage Inc. will also feature a collector’s edition that includes the Pacific AV8R FlightStick, an exclusive DLC plane, and some stickers…because stickers make everything go faster.


Damage Inc. will be playable at this year’s E3, and will be available on consoles sometime this summer.

I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

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