Though none of you commented indicating you submitted an email, a winner has been chosen and notified. Thanks for playing!
Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to grow up TOTALLY AWESOME with a healthy, cool, and not at all socially stigmatic love for comic books? Well, you’re in luck! This week, one lucky winner will get a full year’s subscription to Marvel’s new childrens’ magazine, Marvel Super Heroes Magazine. Don’t have kids of your own? Perhaps you’ve got a niece/nephew/cousin/friend/etc. who needs some cultural direction. Perhaps you’re just a kid at heart who loves all things Marvel. Whatever the case, make sure you enter!
Now, how will you enter? Since it’s a kid magazine, we’ll want to do something a little more kid-friendly.
Send an email to contests at maroonersrock dot com listing as many of those characters’ names as you can. Whoever gets the most right gets the subscription. In case of a tie, will determine the winner. In order for your entry to count, however, you’ll need to leave a comment on this post indicating that you sent an email. Please do not post the character names in a comment, because you only reduce your own chances at winning!
This contest goes live immediately, and will end Thursday night at midnight, PDT. The winner will be announced on Friday morning. The contest is only open to U.S. residents.