Have you turned on your console today? If you haven’t, then you should! Today, 2XL Games released Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad, now available on both the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and the PlayStation Network for 800 MSP and $9.99 respectively. Boasting 1080p HD graphics at 60fps, Offroad is aiming high on visual quality. From Robb Rinard, Creative Director at 2XL Games:
Looking back on the previous generation of games, there were a lot of great racers out there that were simply a lot of fun. They were inspiring. We wanted to recapture what was great about those games while making something our own. I’m proud of what we’ve created, and I’m more than ready to take on some challengers online.
I’ve enjoyed 2XL Games titles in the past, and am looking forward to enjoying this one as well. For more information about this title, click here.