One of the greatest tragedies this world has ever seen was the overshadowing of Rise of the Triad by the DOOM franchise. While others were running around fighting hellbeasts, my friends and I were co-opting our middle school computer lab to run LAN games of Rise of the Triad, and my nights were spent bathing in ludicrous amounts of gibs. Rise of the Triad had the best weapons, the best power-ups, the best enemies, and the best gameplay of any competitors in its generation. I will defend that statement until the day I fucking die. Today at QuakeCon, Bethesda made me literally jump out of my seat and throw a fist up in the air, 80’s style, with their announcement of a new Rise of the Triad coming to PC this year.
Check out the QuakeCon reveal trailer:
Rise of the Triad will be built on Unreal Engine 3, and will feature everything that true fans held dear, along with achievements, level editor, and more.
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Renders and concepts:
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Ian Paul Freeley will fight again in 2012.