How many of you already own Dance Central and/or Dance Central 2? How many of you are looking forward to Dance Central 3? You’re in luck, because today, Harmonix has surprised fans by releasing a demo on Xbox LIVE for their upcoming dance adventure. I’ve spent most of the day playing, and have been having an absolute blast. Included in the demo are three songs: Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull – On The Floor, Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger, and Nicki Minaj – Starships. Each of these songs is fun to play, and the demo does a great job of making me want to have the retail version in my hands right now. The demo also gives you a first look at the Party Time mode, which allows you, family, and friends to stay up and dance all night.
Interested in seeing the tracks in the demo? Here are some videos below featuring songs from the demo danced by me.
Dance Central 3 – Starships by Nicki Minaj (Hard Gamplay)
Dance Central 3 – Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 (Hard Gameplay)
Dance Central 3 is set to release October 16th in North America.