Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster Announced and Debuted

Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster Announced and Debuted

We’ve known about if for a while now, due to various slips of the tongue, but last week, Square Enix came out and officially announced that Final Fantasy X would be getting a remastered HD edition for the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Vita systems. On top of that, however, we found out that Final Fantasy X-2 (otherwise known as Final Fantasy Dress-Up Adventure) would be included in the remaster plans, coming packaged with Final Fantasy X HD on a single PlayStation 3 disc, and as a separate purchase for the PlayStation Vita. Oh, and it’s all coming out sometime this year.

Screenshots were released with the announcement last week:

[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157633085278991″ items=”20″]

A trailer was also teased for Monday, and Monday is today, so here you go:


Everything looks fantastic so far. Now we just need to see how the game ends up playing.

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