A rumble occured in downtown L.A. yesterday (June 14th, 2015), and no, it was not caused by the San Andreas faultline.
After 25 years, 16 combatants went head to head to see who was, in fact, the Nintendo World Champion. The contestents faced off in multiplayer games such as Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, and Mario Kart 8, but also faced off in the NES’ The Legend of Zelda and the SNES’ Super Metroid. Not only were the “oldies” used for the tournament, but competitors were treated to facing off in the upcoming (and newly announced) game, Blast Ball, a 3v3 FPS soccer-esque game.
In the finale, the final two combatants (John “John Numbers” Goldberg and Cosmo Wright) went head to head in Super Mario Maker, an upcoming Wii U game that allows players to create custom worlds in classic Mario games. After a crazy preliminary finals time-match, Numbers won the first 15 second head start for the final race, followed by Cosmo winning the second head start, but Numbers came back and won the third to get the 15 second headstart back for the final round. With the head start, Numbers exploded from the starting gate and didn’t look back, leaving Cosmo sections behind at all times. Shigeru Miyamoto presented Numbers his golden Mario trophy and autographed New Nintendo 3DS XL (by Miyamoto), not as a competitor, but as the 2015 Nintendo World Champion.

LOS ANGELES, CA – JUNE 14: In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, 2015 Nintendo World Champion John Goldberg (R) of Queens, New York, receives the grand-prize trophy from video game developer Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong series, among others. Fans in the audience and watching online celebrated the return of the event after a 25-year hiatus and cheered on 16 contestants as they competed across a variety of Nintendo video games. (Photo by Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for Nintendo of America)
For video-on-demand and more information, visit http://e3.nintendo.com/. (As of 1:36 AM EST, the vod has not been uploaded)