Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse Release Date Announced

Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse Release Date Announced

Revolution Software announced today that their game Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse, now has a release date. The game will be releasing on September 8th for PlayStation 4, and September 11th for Xbox One. Unlike its PC brethren, the console release will not be broken up into two separate purchases, but rather a full game experience! The point and click mystery game will be $29.99 and will be available for digital purchase at the above dates.


This new iteration to the series includes numerous enhancements. These include more animations, better audio and an exclusive character gallery section.

So, can you solve the mystery?

Update: The release date to the game for Xbox One has been pushed to September 4th rather than September 11th. This just came in as an email moments ago.

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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