Gamescom 2015: New Xbox Features and Hardware Are On The Horizon

Gamescom 2015: New Xbox Features and Hardware Are On The Horizon

With Gamescom 2015, Microsoft is on a rampage of information. While having a good briefing presentation, they have also made some announcements off screen. For example, new details of the New Xbox One Experience coming this Fall. A new section that is being added, Community, will include upgrades to the Activity Feed and Trending, showing off the most popular activities on your Microsoft entertainment box. There will also be a new Watch section, which will bring together the best of live TV and applications, giving viewers the newest content right at their fingertips. Also making their appearances on the Xbox One this Fall will be Cortana, the Microsoft personal assistant, Xbox Avatars (that’s right, their back and more prominent than ever), a new guide, and a completely redesigned Home.

Troy App

Also shown in more depth was the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller. An easy-to-use custom application will offer unlimited ways for one to customize their controller. You can create up to 255 controller profiles. The appeal of this? Have a game you prefer one controller configuration, but in the next it isn’t an option? No longer. You tell the game how it will let you play it. Thumbstick sensitivity, trigger set points, and rumble motors are also customizable to your like. Each controller can hold two configurations at once, and switch on the fly. Pre-order for the controller is available now.


Announced was the Xbox Chatpad. This will be for both the Xbox One and Windows 10 and is available to preorder today for $34.99. Not only will this allow fans to type and respond quicker, but it will include a stereo jack for your gaming headsets and volume controls for such. Two programmable buttons have been added to give you easy access to features such as Game DVR, screenshots, and even apps. It will be compatible with all Xbox One controllers and will be released in mid-2016.

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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