Gearbox’s upcoming cartoon styled MOBA Battleborn has just released a new trailer featuring the many combinations of heroes and skills featured in the upcoming title. Battleborn launches on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on February 16th, 2016!
Here are some highlights from Gearbox:
- Battleborn has 49,576,665,600 different hero and team configurations. You’ve got 7,367,013,205 neighbors here on Earth (and counting) – according to Doing some simple division, it means that everyone on the planet, and then some, could jump into a 5-player co-op game of Battleborn at the same time and each team could have a totally different experience. Think about it. If you’re playing those odds, you’ve got at least 7 billion potential Internet buddies….aaaand unfortunately a couple thousand Internet trolls. Statistically speaking.
- There are 1024 ways for you to play each base-level hero. You could pick five different variants of a Battleborn hero and ship them to every country on Earth (196) and still have enough alternate versions left to fill the roster of more than three full basketball teams. Nobody tell the NBA about Benedict’s vertical leap, OK?
- There are 25 playable heroes in Battleborn. That’s more than SIX times the number of playable characters that shipped with Borderlands, Borderlands 2, or Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Hell, that’s more than all three Borderlands titles combined.
- For every fully-ranked Battleborn hero, there are 7,776 different ways you could play (that level progression loadout can change every single time you play). So, if you had a single 30-minute game session for each way to play, you would need to be Battleborn-ing for 162 days straight to see every permutation of just one character. You ask us, that’s a pretty awesome way to spend several months of your life.
- FUN NUMBER FACT: 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321. Because math. (Our resident math wizard threw this one in to make sure that you were still paying attention.)