Yeah. I had to. After waiting months to hear about the show’s fate after Creative Lead Monty Oum passed away this past February due to a severe allergic reaction to anesthesia, fans were treated to a huge surprise at this year’s RTX: RWBY Vol. 3 would be pushing on, as Monty would want, with Kerry Shawcross as the main Director. I may have cried a little. I have been a huge fan of Rooster Teeth’s for years, and RWBY was something special. After Oum’s passing, I along with most fans, were unsure if they could even go on properly.
First we got the trailer:
Then we got the opening sequence:
Now we have Vol. 3.
Unsure what RWBY is? Well, roughly it is centered around four girls who go to a school that trains the students to hunt down the monstrous Grim that inhabit the world. The story tells the girls’ interactions with each other, students, Grim, and villains who are trying to take over the world, naturally. What stands out the most about this show are the fight scenes. Not only are they choreographed beautifully, but each person has their own weapon that is a gun in one shape, form, or way. For example: Crescent Rose. A big ass scythe, that is also a sniper rifle. Yeah. Badass. I know.
What can fans look forward to this volume?
I hope you all like fighting, because that is what we’re getting. It is time for the Vytal festival, the battle competition that pits students from all four nations against each other. So there is going to be a ton of action sequences and bad-ass songs (Caffeine pt. 2 anyone?). Chapter 1 gives a look at Team RWBY in the festival as well as a tease at Team JNPR’s fight in chapter 2.
So who all is shrieking from excitement like me? RWBY vol. 3 is available for sponsors every Saturday morning, then available for public that Sunday, with a week break happening on November 7th for Rooster Teeth’s Extra Life livestream.