There’s no way you missed that big gun in the vault. You know, the one behind that master lock in the overseers office? What if I told you that you can get it within the first hour without spending any points? Well, you can. As with the duplicate video, I will explain and show in a video.
Once again you need Dogmeat. Yeah, he has some coding issues, but that’s okay. He’s cute. Once you have him, run back to Vault 111. I recommend saving here incase the glitch doesn’t work. Hit the button in the booth by the vault elevator, and stand on the platform. This will take you back into the vault in case you missed anything before leaving. Once inside, take the first door on the left you see. This hallway will take you to the Overseers office. Towards the back of the room is the closest with that freezing gun in it, the Cryolator. Run into the hallway past it and talk to Dogmeat. Select talk, then fetch, then items. He should immediate find an item and run into the closet. He will bend down, and pull the Cryolator out of the ground and bring it to you. Pick up your new weapon, and check his inventory to get the ammo. Congratulations. You can now freeze the shit out of anything you could ever want to.
Know of any more glitches with Dogmeat? Let us know in the comments!