Card Game The Spoils Announces New Addition To VICTORS Program

Card Game The Spoils Announces New Addition To VICTORS Program

Card game The Spoils and Alter Reality Games are excited to announce a new addition to their VICTORS Organized Play Program. This addition allows players to meet and face off with other players in a “tournament” setting, as opposed to at local shops like most of the promotion. While there will be more promotions like this announced hopefully soon, here’s what we know about the first Victors Circuit.

The circuit will take place in Kissimmee, Florida on the weekend of January 2nd, 2016. It will have two portions. On Saturday, non-stop demo madness and on Sunday, a Seed Saga Sealed tournament. Demos will start at 11:00 AM on Satuday, sealed registration will begin at 9:30 AM Sunday, and Deck registration will follow after at 10:30 AM. The entry fee will be $30, and there will be a TON of prizes!

1st: 4x alternate art Gideon, The Ultimate Warrior Non-foil promo, 400x purple sleeves, Gen Con Badge Reimbursement

2nd: 200x purple sleeves, 1x alternate art Gideon, the Ultimate Warrior non-foil promo

3rd-4th: 100x purple sleeves, 1x alternate art Gideon, The Ultimate Warrior Non-foil promo

Top 8 will each receive an invite to The Spoils Championships, Top 8 VICTORS Playmat, Top 8 Dice, & Top 8 Resources

$500 will be awarded to Top 4 if 32-63 players participate in Sunday’s Sealed. Less than 32 players will receive product prizes only.

$1000 will be awarded to Top 8 if 64+ players participate in Sunday’s Sealed.

*All players in the Sunday Sealed event will receive a participation promo card, product based on turnout. All players receive 6 sealed Seed Saga booster packs with which to build their decks.

Winners will proceed to the North American Spoils Championship at Gen Con 2016, as well as rewarded as above. If you Pre register here (, you will receive a free pewter token as an entry prize!

Honestly, I’ve never played this game, but if I lived closer to Kissimmee, I would totally learn in preparation. I used to be huge into Yu-Gi-Oh, even attended a few tournaments and sealed pack tournaments. They are legitimately fun. If you are able to, head out and check it out, and be sure to send us some pictures! If you would like more information of the VICTORS program, check out for more information!

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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