Hope you all had a merry Christmas, but Harmonix has turned their eyes to New Year’s Eve with this week’s DLC: Chart Toppers. Now, I understand that a lot of people will not be happy with this week, and that’s okay. But understand that a lot of people will enjoy it, or else these songs wouldn’t be at the top of the charts. These songs include:
Ellie Goulding – “On My Mind”
Justin Bieber – “What Do You Mean”
One Direction – “Drag Me Down”
Sam Hunt – “Leave The Night On”
Coldplay – “Adventure of a Lifetime”
Weezer – “Thank God For Girls”
Yes I know. We finally got the Biebz and 1D. That’s it. The game is ruined. Shut it down.
Or. Stop complaining. From a business standpoint, this was a pretty good decision. I’m not thrilled for the Bieber track, but that’s because the parts don’t look interesting. However, Ellie is a must buy for drummers and Coldplay looks like a ton of fun. See? Pop can be fun.
Part 2: If you didn’t see it, January’s update details have been released. The big part is the leaderboard fix. They will be fixing bugs and exploits related to scores, but the downside: they have to wipe everything off the leaderboards to implement their new structure. A moment of silence for our fallen scores. And we’re good. I’m happy about this because I’ve had a leader board glitch tied to my account since day one. When the leaderboard tries to update, there is a chance my game will completely crash out to the home Xbox Screen. So yeah, I’m happy about this. Harmonix has also teased a new outfit from a popular game for Rock Band 4. For more details visit: http://www.harmonixmusic.com/blog/january-update-blog/
Keep tuned (hehehehehe) for more update details, including practice mode and setlists which have been announced for early 2016.
Last up: GameStop is having a rocking new year sale on Rock Band products this week. It includes:
- Fender™ Stratocaster™ Guitar Bundle (XB1, PS4) – $79.99
- Band-In-A-Box Bundle (XB1, PS4) – $199.99
- Rock Band 4 + Legacy Adapter (XB1) – $59.99
- Rock Band 4 Disc (PS4) – $39.99
I may just have to pick up the guitar bundle… What all would you guys like to see in the future of this game?