Ni No Kuni II Heading to PS4

Ni No Kuni II Heading to PS4

There has been speculation as to the fate of the Ni No Kuni IP since it launched to great critical acclaim, and fairly strong sales. However, it seemed the series might have been as dead as Oliver’s mom. Thankfully, Bandai Namco announced that the next installment is headed our way, via the PS4.

Announced at PSX, Bandai Namco confirmed that both Level-5 and Studio Ghibli are creating another gorgeous game sure to make our eyes drool. Take a look at the announcement trailer below!

Having spent his youth avoiding the outdoors, which is where scary things are, Adam became entrenched in games and the gaming world at a young age. Deciding to use his minor talent for squishing words together to justify his gaming lust, Adam will find just about any excuse to talk or rant about games, especially if you disagree with him.

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