That’s right. THAT Lightning. The mysterious and gorgeous protagonist from Final Fantasy XIII. Modeling for Louis Vuitton. I’ll give you a moment to stop hyperventilating.
In Louis Vuitton Women’s newest Collection “Series 4,” the company explores values cherished by both LV and Final Fantasy: “to preserve our traditions while constantly seeking out new and revolutionary ideas in order to deliver products of world-class quality.” What will come from this, you make ask? Lightning will appear in magazine ads as well as appear in videos for the campaign. Louis Vuitton worked with Tetsuya Nomura (character designer of Lightning) as well as the Visual Works team to create her new look, poses, as well as action in the videos. As odd of a combination as this is, I kind of dig it.
“The stunning new look of Lightning including her poses and character in action was fully produced by Louis Vuitton,” said Tetsuya Nomura, the character designer of Lightning. ”Additionally, thanks to the Visual Works team, they were able to produce brilliant work under a tight schedule. This collaboration is not just a promotion of a game, and it is a great honor that the character herself received an offer from a world famous brand. As a result of this collaboration, this has infused new breath into the character, Lightning.”
If you want to see more, as well as the video, you can click here, then come on back and let us know what you think!