If you’re like any normal person with an original 500GB Xbox One, then you’re starting to feel limited. “I guess I’ll just delete Destiny so I can play Rainbow Six|Siege.” – Douglas Spears. So now what do you do? You run out to buy an expensive external hard drive to allow you to play all of your games. OR. You can check out Nyko’s new hard drive enclosure: The Data Bank.
With this enclosure, you can mount any 3.5” hard drive to your console. Yes, you could go out and buy one from another company before this, but none of them are quite as sleek looking as this little addition to your console. The Data Bank matches the materials and angles of your Xbox One, as well as attaches to the top to hide any cords that would be running amuck. Data Bank is available now at GameStop, Amazon, and Nyko for $39.99. So it’s a win/win/win. You get all of the data you could possibly want, you have a sleek attachment for your Xbox, and it won’t kill your bank account.