For those of you whining about “UGH THIS IS ROCK BAND NOT POP BAND!1!!!11!11!111,” it is time to rejoice with head banging and moshing. Rock Band 4 is getting a sweet grunge pack today. All three songs look fun as hell to play, so let’s take a peek as to what we have:
- Soundgarden – My Wave
- Stone Temple Pilots – Wicked Garden
- Temple of the Dog – Hunger Strike
Oooooo now that’s tasty. All three songs look enjoyable for most of the instruments from the looks of the preview below. Each track is available for $1.99 as per usual. What do you think? Are we headed in the right direction? Or is it nice to have a wide variety of songs for all to enjoy? (that one. I pick that one.) Either way, it looks like Harmonix is not afraid to make everyone happy. Let the rocking commence!