Hello One and All!!! Yes, I know you’re coming to this page to win an epic prize, right? Of course you would like an awesome item. Well if you remember not long ago I did an unboxing live on Twitch.tv and made the announcement that we at Marooners’ Rock will be giving one lucky person a Black Mask Arsenal replica from Project Triforce. You can find that news here.
Well our good friends at Project Triforce were more than happy to allow us to show the Black Mask Arsenal replica off, but we’re going over the top and giving it away. You’ll see many websites who obtain items simply keep them, but here at Marooners’ Rock we enjoy giving you our readers and newcomers awesome things. This ranges from a games, hardware and now a sweet ass replica. As you an see in the featured picture that’s the pretty item you’ll be able to obtain. I’ll go ahead and hug this box beside me to wish it well once it leaves my heads via this giveaway and I’ll most likely do it once more before it leaves my hands as I ship it out.
Many of you know the drill in terms of our giveaways, but because we’re going crazy and giving away such an awesome item. What do I mean? We’re making sure you our readers and more will have tons on entries to improve your chances. You may even want to come back each day for an extra entry in terms of the tweet. Now instead of me babbling away like a mad man go ahead and enter the giveaway and be sure to thank @ProjectTriforce on Twitter for this great opportunity. If you’re new to the site welcome and simply complete the entries for your chance to win. Please take note that this giveaway is for US only due to shipping costs. However, things can change leading up to end of giveaway next month. Only one person will win so good luck to all who enter!