Run The Gaunlet in World of Tanks Blitz IS-3 Defender Challenge to Strengthen Your Aresenal

Run The Gaunlet in World of Tanks Blitz IS-3 Defender Challenge to Strengthen Your Aresenal

Wargaming is challenging its World of Tanks players to an intensive multi-level mission for an awesome reward. Starting February 23, tankers can take on an eight-part mission to win the extraordinary IS-3 Defender. What makes this vehicle special is that it has an autoloader. Any player that manages to get this vehicle will wreck shop and annihilate their enemies. This monster of a tank will only be award to the first 60,000 players who finish the mission.

The only way to advance to each level of the mission is by collecting the required number tokens. Tokens are reward by gathering XP in battle and completing the levels of the battle mission. Those who are rewarded the IS-3 will receive a unique camouflage as an added bones.

Players who are not able to finish all the levels of the battle have nothing to fear. Players will get to keep all the credits and XP for each level they do complete. Also from the fourth stage and on, players will also receive more Premium Account time for each level they finish.

For more information on World of Tanks Blitz and this special battle mission, visit the official website: America)



There's not much to be said about Sisco. He's just a simple kid from Brooklyn who loves video games, burritos and coke...a-cola that is! When he's not out searching for the perfect quesadilla he's home playing video games, new and old alike. There is only one thing that's left to said or rather to be asked...WHERE BROOKLYN AT?!?

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