Grand Theft Auto Online’s Newest Update Has Us Riding Low

Grand Theft Auto Online’s Newest Update Has Us Riding Low

Drop the car, and cruise at low speeds. Grand Theft Auto Online just released its newest update for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and it has quite a bit to offer.

Up first, we have two new upgradeable muscle cars from Benny’s Original Motor Works: the Vapid Slamvan and the Dundreary Virgo Classic. Now only do we have these two new cars, but Benny’s will upgrade the Willard Faction to the new Custom Donk.

Next, we need something to wave out of the windows to tell your fellow homies, “What is good?” Ammu-nation can lend a hand. Players can now purchase the Compact Rifle and Double Barrel Shotgun. The best part? Both can be used during drive-bys. What’s good?!


Now, we need something to tie all of this together, some killer threads. (I know I’m super white guys, I am trying.) A slew of new clothing options are now available around Los Santos, as well as 16 new tattoo designs,  and three new hairstyles for each gender. So now your guns won’t be the only things that could possible kill a man, but your stunning new look could as well.

Want a new mode to try your cars in? Rockstar is introducing a new adversary mode: SUMO. It is 100% what you think it is. Be the last man/team standing in the arena. Pick your playstyle (control, speed, size) and face off with fellow thugs.

All of this is available today for the low low price of free! So go out there, and stun some gangstas. Word.

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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