Sword Art Online quickly became one of the most popular Anime series of the decade, which was an adaptation of a popular light novel series of the same name. While Japan is well aware of where the series is going, for they have almost double the amount of novels published, its always cool to see the next style of each iteration.
The last season saw Kirito and the gang return to Ailfheim Online for an adventure featuring lead female protagonist Asuna and her relationship with her mother and a new friend. Now, a new film entitled Ordinal Scale is giving the series creator Reki Kawahara a chance to shake things up.
This newest addition to the Sword Art Online brand will put Kirito in an augmented reality game, similar to what our dream version of Pokemon Go would be like. Using Augma, the device enabling this augmented reality, Kirito will battle monsters and go on quests as normal, but without leaving his physical body behind like he did with the NerveGear or the AmuSphere. This use of Augmented Reality tech could pose for some interesting storylines, as well as comment on the upcoming VR headset systems. Kawahara is always adding her take on the gaming world in her light novels, and this film looks to be her answer to all the hype and advancements in the Gaming Industry.
The film is set to release in 2017, but aside from a basic trailer and some details on the Augma, not much has been released. The character designs continue to be awesome, but there will bound to be more details as the production continues.
Stay tuned to Marooners’ Rock for more details. We’ll be keeping an eye out for anything Sword Art Online related in the meanwhile.