Looking for an adorable time waster to keep you glued to your phone? Look no further! YO-KAI WATCH is a cute puzzle RPG based on the popular Disney XD series of the same name. After its original release, YO-KAI WATCH was one of the top 5 grossing apps in Japan! Following this massive success, LEVEL-5 and NHN PlayArt are gracing us with a port to IOS and Android on March 24th.Watch the announcement trailer here:
How to Play:
1. Swipe to connect Wib Wob of the same kind to form a larger Wib Wob. The faster you connect, the faster you fill your Fever Gauge.
2. Tap large Wib Wob to deal damage to enemies. The larger the Wib Wob, the more damage it deals.
3. Defeat trouble-making Yo-kai, and they might become your friends! If you befriend a Yo-kai who’s already your friend, that Yo-kai will earn skill points.
4. Strategically arrange your Wib Wob roster to win. Arrange them well to receive added bonuses.
YO-KAI WATCH comes to a mobile device near you on March 24th. Learn more at http://yo-kai-wibblewobble.com/