Gears of War 4, the long awaited title in a franchise that began in 2006, will be arriving on the Xbox One on October 11th, 2016.
Revealed in a blog post on Xbox Wire by the Director of Community of The Coalition, Adam Fletcher, it was also mentioned that this announcement is set to “ignite a chain of upcoming revelations about what’s in store for JD Fenix and the next generation of Gears heroes.”
Taking place 25 years after the events in Gears of War 3, and focusing on Marcus Fenix’s son, JD, and his two new squadmates, Kait Diaz and Delmont “Del” Walker”, Gears of War 4 is said to be a fresh take which will also be “Harkening back to the dark and intense roots of the original classic.”
Also, as mentioned before, anyone who has played Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox One or PC will be able to play the Gears of War 4 Multiplayer beta on April 18th. On April 25th, all Xbox Live Gold members will have a chance to jump in and test out the new game.
Are you excited for Gears of War 4? Will you be picking it up when it launches on October 11th? Let us know below, and to give you one more thing to think about, here is the cover art shot from Entertainment Weekly that showcases our new heroes. However, if you look closely, you may see a familiar face, etched in stone!