While it has been in the works for a bit, Sega is trying to make a name for themselves by bringing the classics to the modern era. The Mega Drive Classics Hub (which is more commonly known as the Genesis in America) seeks to put players in the bedroom of a kid obsessed with Sega. This will be a free experience available on Steam, which will legally grant access to just about every Mega Drive Rom out there. Sega have also claimed that there will be support for things like Rom Hacks and modern games made for the system. There are a few cool features available as well, like a day and night cycle. Its unsure just how many games will be available, but the trailer does do a good job of bringing excitement to those with fond memories of the console. For once, I can fairly say that “Sega does what Nintendon’t.”
The fact that Sega is cool with emulation is a big step for the gaming industry as a whole. This is similar to the Atari Vault that’s also on Steam, which added things like Leaderboards, the ability to look at the original art, and controller support for a lot of different peripherals. Now if only other classic game companies would do something similar. Imagine a Nintendo Collection on Steam, or a Konami one. The Mega Drive Classics Hub will be available, once again for free, on Steam April 28th. Definitely worth a download to not only Sega fans, but any gamer to relive some interesting points in game design history. Here’s hoping there’s tons of info snippets and artwork made available as well to give more depth to the instant collection.
The Sega 3D Classics Collection hits the 3DS on April 26th, making April a great month to play some classic 16-bit games!
Story originally found at RetroCollect.com