Ubisoft Hits The Road With Assassin’s Creed!

Ubisoft Hits The Road With Assassin’s Creed!

Are you going to PAX East later this week? Do you like scavenger hunts and the opportunity to win prizes? Good news. Ubisoft has you covered. They are taking Assassin’s Creed on the road to celebrate with fans, and PAX East is just the beginning.

The first event is the Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt. In order to have a chance to win and get a Golden Ticket, you must visit either the Lootcrate or Astro Gaming Booth, and say to one of the reps “Insieme per la Vittoria!” Upon hearing this phrase, you will receive the ticket. Fill out the reverse of the ticket, and take it to the Ubisoft Community Manager (this guy) who can be found at the Intel USA booth 6068 at 11am-12pm and 4pm-5pm. (or if you can find him randomly throughout the convention, he’ll take it then.)

Ten finalists will be picked on Monday April 25th and a jury will select a grand prize winner who will receive a trip to the New York Comic Con 2016 with the Assassin’s Creed Community team. If you’re not selected for the grand prize, you can still win other prizes such as Astro A40TR bundles and assorted Lootcrates, Assassin’s Creed figures and other licensed Phantom Blades.

Also, they will be holding a Cosplay meetup on Saturday April 23rd at 2pm in the entrance plaza of the convention center. Follow Ubisoft on Twitter and Facebook to see what other activities are going on! Going to PAX East? Let us know to hang out and chat!

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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