Fear: we were introduced to the mechanical group that would haunt us down in our nightmares, and presumably their origins. Panic: we were striped to our core, being hunted down by a single animatronic that would not stop. Dread: we brought our fears home, and created lasting theories about if the games were even real or not. Now, it is the time for the greatest of the four emotions presented: terror. This is Five Nights at Freddy’s Sister Location.
This is by far my favorite trailer out of the Five Nights at Freddy’s games. It is haunting, and lays the premise to what could be Scott Cawthon’s masterpiece of masterpieces. The amount of work that went into this trailer over the previous ones is staggering. If you have not done so, watch the trailer below then come back for the discussion.

These eyes just burn into your soul. I…actually want to wait until Fall before this Hellish nightmare is introduced into my life.
Great. How’d you like it? Did you get a drink during the break? Good. So yeah. This is a thing. It is possibly a very good thing. We are introduced to four new terrifying animatronics here, sort of. First is what appears to be Mangle, pre Mangled. She still has the same color scheme, but has her entire body. It is also possible that it is just “Fun Time Foxy.” Who knows. Second is a creepy ballerina who is new to the series. Third is a toy colored Freddy that has a Bonnie puppet on one hand and a microphone in the other. Last is the horrifying clown girl, nicknamed Baby by fans, who’s face brought nightmares to me in the last seconds of the video. Not lying, the night after I had a dream I was running through the room pictures, and hunted down by her. Scary stuff, people. To top it all off, each one’s face has multiple moving pieces, distorting their appearing slightly, and causing unsettling feelings deep in my bones. Fun!
While there are teases of game play in the video, nothing was shown off. We will just have to wait until this Fall to see what Hell Scott hath brought upon us. What I found interesting is the phrasing of the subtitles throughout the trailer. “Deep below ground… Where memories sleep… Anger is restless… and secrets don’t keep…” It appears that we will be seeing a few secrets that have been kept from us throughout the series. That is if we are to take these words at face value. However, if it is face value, why would we be under ground? Unless we are digging through the Sister Location’s storage unit/vault to find secrets. Or it could strictly be metaphorical. We won’t know until the next trailer. As for me, I will be on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear more about a game that I will be too chicken to play, so I’ll just watch someone else play it.
Don’t hold it against us, you don’t know what we’ve been through.