The world will never cease to amaze me. We have feats like deep fried oreos, video games that are so immersive they will make you pee yourself, and now, an Xbox One that has been set up to run Windows 95. Are we at the pinnacle of humanity? Doubtful, but this is really neat.
YouTube user vcfan got his Xbox One to run the program Dosbox, a virtual DOS machine app. Through this program, the operating system was then emulated onto the console. While pointless, this is fascinating to see done. Twenty years later, the operating system is brought back to life!
Now, this isn’t able to be done with just any Xbox One. Only a developer version of the console will allow you to have the ability to upload the program, since it allows custom apps built for the Universal Windows Platform, which works across Windows 10 devices. Depending on how much Microsoft restricts us, later this summer we may have a chance to do fun and exciting things like… play Solitaire, or Duke Nukem! That is when this ability launches for all public users. Man. The Xbox One is going to get weird this Summer.