Earlier today, the Reddit community noticed the Red Dead Redemption’s Xbox store page has been updated. The update revealed that Red Dead Redemption will be compatible across all Xbox devices.
The update added an “Available On” portion which implies that Red Dead Redemption will be playable on the Xbox One, Xbox One S and Xbox Scorpio within the next few months. The fact that Microsoft has updated the page could mean a formal announcement that Red Dead Redemption is coming to the Xbox One is imminent. Within the last few weeks, Red Dead Redemption was playable again through the Xbox One Preview program. Could Read Dead Redemption be the next game announced as part of the Games with Gold program for the month of July or is Microsoft just waiting for Rockstar to formally announce a sequel to the franchise and make Read Dead Redemption available as a pre-order bonus?
Expect that Rockstar or Microsoft will make a formal announcement regarding Red Dead Redemption within the upcoming months. Hopefully, Red Dead Redemption’s Xbox Store page update was not a fluke and is a sign of what is to come next. However, some other Xbox 360 games list the same icon so it could be that they simply updated the page. If Red Dead Redemption does become backwards compatible with the Undead Nightmare version of the game be compatible or only the base copy?