An Inside Look at Mafia III’s Cassandra

An Inside Look at Mafia III’s Cassandra

Since its announcement at Gamescom 2015, fans of the Mafia franchise have eagerly awaited Mafia III. Mafia III takes place in New Orleans  during 1968. Bill Harms, lead writer for 2K Games Mafia III, Ed Fowler & Charles Webb look to give insight on Mafia III’s character, Cassandra the leader of the Haitian gang.

At the start of Mafia III, Cassandra is trying to take control of Delray Hallow which is controlled by the head of the Black mob Sammie Robinson. When Sal Marcano betrays Lincoln and kills Sammie and Elis, he hands over Delray Hallow to the Dixie Mafia which is led by Richie Doucett. This prevents Cassandra from achieving her goal of controlling Delray Hallow because she does not want to go against the Dixie Mafia and the Marcano crime family.

Lincoln and Cassandra come together after realizing that they have a common enemy in Sal Marcano. The two team up and work together in order to take him down because they know it will further their cause and help out their community which has been the victim of the city system that the government has put into place. Lincoln and Cassandra do not trust each other very much. Lincoln is concerned that any given point of time Cassandra may turn on him and Cassandra does not trust that Lincoln will look out for the people in the Hallow in the midst of his war on the Marcano crime family.

Cassandra realizes that she will never achieve her dream of taking the Hallow unless she assists Lincoln. As Lincoln dismantles different parts of Sal Marcano’s operation, he has the choice to assign Cassandra to govern over different sections of the city. Depending on how the player assigns the different sections of the city will determine which members of Lincoln’s gang will remain loyal.

Mafia 3 comes out October 7th on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Mac OS X, and PC. For pre-ordering Mafia III, players receive the Family Kick-Back DLC which gives the player three exclusive vehicles and weapons. For more information on Mafia III, check at Andrew Peggs article: 2K Games Announces Release Date on Mafia III Along with new Trailer

2K Games Announces Release Date on Mafia III Along with new Trailer or the E3 Gameplay Reveal


Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, tall anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs. A former writer for, VGGaming HQ, TheNerdStash, and The Nerdy Con Artist. One day, I hope to travel the world while working in the video game industry or as a professional gamer. Do you want to join in on a game or see what I am up to? Come follow/message me at Killerkdemons. Open to all freelance opportunities.

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