Funko reveals John Wick 2 and Kong Skull Island Pops!

Funko reveals John Wick 2 and Kong Skull Island Pops!

Collectibles company Funko, today revealed that John Wick and King Kong would be getting the Pop! vinyl figure treatment next year, just as both movies get set to debut in theaters in February and March.

The John Wick figure is based on the upcoming sequel, John Wick: Chapter 2, and features a gun totting John Wick, in his standard suit. A bloody limited chase variant, a one in six rarity, will also be made available. The figure is slated for a January 2017 release.

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John Wick: Chapter 2 will be available in theaters from Lionsgate Summit Entertainment, on Feb. 10, 2017.

The Kong Pop! vinyl figure, is based on the upcoming film, Kong Skull Island. It will be a 6” super-sized figure, with a helicopter in hand, meant to tower over your other Pop! figures, just as Kong does. The figure is also slated for a January release.


Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, Kong Skull Island will be making its way to theaters, on Mar. 10, 2017.

A dragon that doesn’t fly (I’m scared of heights) Ray is an avid gamer with a passion for RPGs, and a fan of a wide variety of genres in anime and manga. With a wide range of likes, including cars and sports, he keeps a diverse collection of comics, games, books, anime, and manga. It will likely be an avalanche of these collections, that will be his end.

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