Greetings Backloggers! I hope everyone had a good holiday season. My backlog may have taken a bit of a wrong turn thanks to the Steam Sale, but it’s a new year, and a new chance to get on track. I’m not much for official New Year’s Resolutions, since those are far too often derailed almost before they’re begun, but I do believe in building on success, or at the very least, working on improving where I wasn’t particularly successful the previous year.
This year, we’re starting out with another entry from the SEGA Genesis classics series, Galaxy Force II. The home adaptation of an arcade classic, Galaxy Force II puts you behind the cockpit of a space fighter blasting through various air, ground, and space enemies in a manner very similar to Afterburner. That’s no particular surprise, since Galaxy Force II and Afterburner, share the same game engine.
As a rail-shooter, it’s not especially difficult, with each level being immediately selectable, and the main challenge coming from seeing how far you can get before your lives or fuel runs out. Much like Afterburner, the main novelty of this game was the moving cockpit setup in the arcade. At home, played with a good controller it’s a much less engrossing experience.
It is, however, short, clocking in at about a half-hour. Unlike Super Thunder Blade, this is a game that actually can be reasonably played through in a single session.
Backlog Verdict: Pure nostalgia trip. Worth playing to burn off the backlog if you have it, but not a great game by any means.
Previous Backlog Count: 1,131
Current Backlog Count: 1,148 (Ouch. That kind of hurt!)
Next Time: New Year, new (old) games!
Backlog Burndown is a semi-regular feature on Marooner’s Rock. Read previous columns in the archives, and suggest future games to play in the comments!