Sure sure, the Nintendo Switch and Breath of the Wild have been dominating the times of Nintendo fans here of late. However, the Pokemon Company have just released a teaser for why we should dust off our 3DS systems and jump back into Pokemon Sun and Moon. Even though hackers have known about this new Pokemon for a while, we finally have an official announcement about Marshadow.
Now, while we do get to know what Marshadow looks like in game, trainers won’t know exactly how to get this strange little Pokemon for a while, not even its official typing though we can assume it at least Ghost Type. All we know is that Marshadow is not going to be available through normal play, so we can assume this will be some sort of downloadable event.
Personally, I think its kind of cool that we get new Pokemon well after the game has launched. This is the way the Pokemon Company treats downloadable post-launch content and has for a while, but I would like to see them take a more Bethesda approach in future games. Imagine getting a whole new island to explore. I’d pay extra for that!
Either way, Marshadow looks pretty cool, if not incredibly lethargic. It looks like a Pokemon that simply doesn’t care about what’s going on. There’s a hidden intensity there. Don’t let his size fool you, I think there’s a powerful fighter hidden in there, waiting to be unlocked by a talented trainer.
What do you all think of Marshadow? Diving even deeper, what could the Pokemon series do with downloadable content in the future?
Considering even Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is getting paid downloadable content later this year, that seems to include significant additions to the game, we could see Nintendo start to emulate its colleagues in that regard later on. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed the thought of downloadable content and when its done right, it can really add to the original game.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on social media. I love these deeper discussions on gaming and am usually just a tweet away.