Hand of Fate: Ordeals Is The Most-Funded Australian Tabletop Game in Kickstarter History

Hand of Fate: Ordeals Is The Most-Funded Australian Tabletop Game in Kickstarter History

Hand of Fate: Ordeals, the tabletop adaptation of Defiant Development’s action RPG franchise, can now claim the title of the most-funded Australian tabletop game in Kickstarter history at over $190,000 AUD. Perhaps most impressive is that their Kickstarter won’t end until Wednesday, June 21st at 9:00pm ET, so they have plenty of time to pad that lead. Before they launched this Kickstarter, the previous record holder was Twisted, a steampunk miniatures game from Demented Games, which raised $162,154 AUD in 2016.

The developer of HoF has said that this campaign will give them the freedom and ability to improve the quality of the base game and develop expansion content. At hitting this milestone, some stretch goals have been hit as well, including a harder difficulty setting, new enemies and encounters, an endless mode, an alternate player board with art by Jesse Gillespie and a custom Food token.

Hand of Fate: Ordeals is being designed in partnership with Rule & Make, and it is a “strategic dungeon-crawling and deck-building experience that bridges story between the original game and its forthcoming sequel while introducing new competitive and co-operative multiplayer modes that support up to four players.”

Defiant Development is no stranger to Kickstarter. In 2013, they used the platform to help launch the original Hand of Fate, which ended up raising over $50,000 AUD and, once completed, being downloaded over 2.2 million times. Hand of Fate 2 is currently in development for PlayStation 4m, Xbox One, PC, Mac and Linux.

Have you backed Hand of Fate: Ordeals? Are you looking forward to experiencing this franchise in a whole new way? Let us know below!

Adam has been writing about and playing video games for as long as he can remember. He is an aficionado of all things Chipotle, Disney, and Hibachi related and is the founder of Extra Life Columbus. He truly believes there is nothing better than playing games and healing kids! His favorite games include Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario World.

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