The Shiny version of Tapu Koko is now available in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Trainers! Starting today, the Legendary Pokémon native to the Alola Region is available via Nintendo Network until August 14.
You can add the majestic Shiny version of Tapu Koko to your Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon game via the Nintendo Network! Ordinarily yellow, the Shiny version of the Island Guardian’s shell-like arms are black, giving it an instantly recognizable look.
To get Tapu Koko in your Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon game:
1. Select Mystery Gift on the main menu.
2. Select Receive Gift.
3. Select Get via the Internet, and then Yes to connect to the Internet.
4. Watch as you receive Tapu Koko.
5. Speak to the delivery person in any Pokémon Center to pick up Tapu Koko.
6. Be sure to save your game!
Shiny Tapu Koko will be available via Nintendo Network from July 14 to August 14, 2017.
Tapu Koko will also be coming to the Pokemon trading card game with the new Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sun & Moon—Guardians Rising expansion and numerous special collections. The art of the Pokémon is featured on booster packs, shown soaring over the land it protects. The Tapu Koko-GX card also soars with its incredible Aero Trail Ability and potent Sky-High Claws attack, and Tapu Koko-GX’s devastating Tapu Thunder-GX attack has the potential to shift a battle in a flash.
Trainers have it easy! When I was growing up with the original Pokémon games; we would have to either mail in our cartridges to have rare legendaries loaded on to the game by Nintendo crew or wait for special Pokémon events. I will say, Nintendo has made it easier over the years for the players to get ahold of legendary Pokémon. I remember when I was 11 years old and received my first Mew.
It’s always amazing to see that new generations are able to experience the joy and happiness a rare legendary brings to their roster of adorable Pocket Monsters. So, if you are a collector at heart or you just want to grab something shiny. Now’s your chance!