Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Revealed

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Revealed

Final Fantasy XV continues to expand its universe, and this time it brings a mobile retelling of the proper game in Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices. This retelling will take place over ten downloadable episodes launching simultaneously, with the first being free, and features a unique artstyle with the characters taking a chibi look.

As you can see in the trailer below, the game looks to take scenes from the main game, complete with voice acting, and allows you to play them on the go. We see the Regalia, leveling up, cooking, boss fights, and much more. The combat and gameplay looks surprisingly similar to the console versions and it will be very interesting to see how this holds up on mobile devices.

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition launches on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices in Fall of 2017, so the wait won’t be long to relive, or experience for the first time, the tale of Final Fantasy XV.

Are you looking forward to Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition? What did you think of FFXV? Let us know below and stay tuned to Marooners’ Rock for all things Final Fantasy and so much more.

Adam has been writing about and playing video games for as long as he can remember. He is an aficionado of all things Chipotle, Disney, and Hibachi related and is the founder of Extra Life Columbus. He truly believes there is nothing better than playing games and healing kids! His favorite games include Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario World.

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