Anime publisher Sentai Filmworks announced earlier today, that it acquired the license for the second season of the comedy anime series, Himouto! Umaru-chan, set to make its debut in October.
Once again produced by the animation studio, Doga Kobo; and directed by Masahiko Ohta, Himouto! Umaru-chan R is the second season of the hugely popular series, which follows Umaru Doma, a girl with two very different sides to her personality. In public, she is seen as a cool and calm beauty, respected and loved by those around her. When she gets home however, she reverts to a junk food loving couch potato with a passion for games, manga, and anime.
Himouto! Umaru-chan R will be making its debut on Japanese television beginning in October, as part of the fall anime lineup. Fans stateside can expect to see the series available soon, through Amazon’s Anime Strike service, with select digital outlets in non-US territories offering the series as well, for those in other countries.
The first season of the anime series was released on home video by Sentai Filmworks in May of this year. The manga series from Sankaku Head, from which the anime is based, was also recently acquired by manga publisher Seven Seas Entertainment, with a first volume release expected next year.
Sentai Filmworks also announced recently, that three other anime series would be making their fall simulcast debuts through Anime Strike’s service, UQ Holder!, Girls’ Last Tour, and Land of the Lustrous. The manga versions of each of these three series are currently available in North America from Kodansha Comics USA and Yen Press.