Well that was…brutal! However, if anyone has played the original Last Of Us, they would expect the sequel to be just as bleak and violent as it’s predecessor. Today at the Paris Games Week Press Conference, Sony showcased many anticipated trailers, but they saved their crown jewel for last! What follows is a graphic and intense trailer for the highly anticipated Last Of Us Part 2. This is the first we’ve seen of the game since last year around this time. This is an interesting trailer to say the least though, as for the entire 4-5 minutes that it lasted, we never once see Joel or Ellie!
What’s so cool about this trailer is the fact that the entire time it’s going, we have no idea who these characters are so we are led to assume this is some brand new IP for Sony. It isn’t until the very last second we see a bunch of clickers appear in the distance that we finally know this is a Last Of Us game. In this trailer we see a woman being dragged to her lynching by some religious fanatics, and then chaos ensues by 2 more women who come in and save the day. We are unsure as to who these characters are, but we do know they definitely can handle themselves (I’m still cringing at the sound of those bones breaking). The most obvious choice for the main woman in this trailer is Ellie’s mom, but that would be too easy. We know Naughty Dog will have a few tricks up their sleeve.
With a trailer like this, we can all sit here and let the speculation begin!