It’s pretty obvious that we’ve taken a big liking to Closers here at Marooner’s Rock. Featuring a solid story, interesting characters, and action-oriented combat, the game that publisher En Masse Entertainment calls the game a ”MOARPG” for Multiplayer Online Action RPG has quickly become a streaming favorite for this writer. Now, it’s officially out of Early Release, with En Masse launching a slew of new features.
The launch update unlocks the game’s first raid, and, naturally, it’s first raid boss. There was no character wipe at the end of Early Access, allowing players with max level characters to immediately access the new Dimensional Ops Center that leads to the new raid. The boss, Tiamat is intended to challenge max level players. Protip: don’t stand in fire.
Stefan Ramirez, Senior Product Manager at En Masse had this to say: “Already wildly popular in Korea, we’re excited to introduce the unique world of Closers to gamers in the West. The game’s characters, universe, style, and gameplay are like no other game in the MMO space, and we hope players will enjoy the one-of-a-kind experience Closers has to offer. And like with any great MMO, we have a robust schedule of content ready to bringto fans in the months following launch, so this is just the beginning of what’s in store!”
Some of that promised content was announced today. Specifically, a new character. Nata will be joining the Closers character roster in late February. An unwilling draftee into the Wolfdogs (a rogue group of Closers whose power rivals that of the Black Lambs), Nata’s sole focus is becoming as powerful as possible to escape the Wolfdogs and life life on his own terms. Additional characters, features, and special events will be announced in the coming months.