Star Trek: Bridge Crew Beaming Aboard The Next Generation DLC

Star Trek: Bridge Crew Beaming Aboard The Next Generation DLC

Star Trek: Bridge Crew is getting its newest batch of DLC, and it is all about The Next Generation. One of the most requested features, this DLC will bring the Enterprise (NCC-1701D) bridge to the game, but that’s not all. The team at Red Storm Entertainment also added Romulans, the Borg, TNG-era uniforms, the ability to make your avatar be a Soong-type android like Data, shield modulation and precision phaser fire mechanics, more Ongoing Voyages, and much more.

One of the most intriguing additions, however, is that they have replaced the engineering position with a new position called “Operations”. This new position “focuses on crew management and maximizing ship buffs.” You have a side-view map of the enterprise and you have to move personnel around and moving certain people to certain areas will provide different bonuses to other parts of the ship. Having crew members at the Phasers station, for example, will add a Gear’s of War style reload bar to Tactical’s attacks, and will provide attack bonuses should they time their strikes accordingly.

One of the new ongoing Missions, Resistance, pits you against the infamous Borg Cube and at the start, you have no hope of survival. You and your crew have to find anti-Borg prototypes scattered across space to stand a chance. Along the way, you will be presented with random challenges but you have to manage your time, because every second wasted is one the Borg are becoming stronger.

The Next Generation DLC will be available first on PS4, without or without PlayStation VR, on May 22nd, and will be released on PC on July 21st.

Are you excited to jump aboard the NCC-1701D? Will you be more Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Worf, or one of the other members of the Enterprise? Let us know below, and we look forward to seeing you in space! Engage!


Adam has been writing about and playing video games for as long as he can remember. He is an aficionado of all things Chipotle, Disney, and Hibachi related and is the founder of Extra Life Columbus. He truly believes there is nothing better than playing games and healing kids! His favorite games include Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario World.

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